Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday is the second day of the work week...and Elizabeth's birthday!

Today was an awesome day! I finally feel as though I'm beginning to gain my balance in Israel. I'm becoming friendlier with people, I'm learning my way around, and I'm trying to use my Hebrew. It's all good stuff :)

This morning I walked to Lauren's apartment and went with her and her roommate Jacklyn to the Makhlah Kanyon (mall). They got tons of stuff. I got a few basic things for the apartment, but mostly was there for the company (and also my apartment didn't need so much. It was relatively well furnished already.) It was sort of like shopping for college again...but an apartment. We had two great taxi drivers. The first spoke some English and was a teacher apparently, so he helped us with our Hebrew. The one on the way back spoke very little English. He spoke in Hebrew to Jacklyn (in the front seat). I could pick out a bunch, but it was kind of hard to hear from the back seat. It was fun though.

We got back to Lauren's apartment and hung out. Their internet was being installed. A lot of work hadn't been done in their apartment which was very frustrating for them (it would never fly with tenants in America), but it will ultimately be a very modern looking apartment. While at the apartment, Haim (one of the interns) called me to set up a coffee date. They're doing one-on-ones with all the students to make sure we're doing ok. it's very nice of them. We decided to meet that afternoon.

In the meantime, Lauren and I went to meet up with the rest of the group for a supermarket tour. We ended up tasting different types of cheese. I had to find g'vinat eden. It was very yummy. After everyone bought their cheese we went to the park and ate and chatted. I learned the word ephsha pach which means trash can. It was a gorgeous mid-afternoon treat. Really. Can you go wrong when there's cheese around? I think not.

I met Haim at Cup of Joe's. It was so nice sitting and talking with him! I told him lots of stories which just felt so nice. It reminded me of why I want to do this. I told him about my old people and teaching and why I want to be a cantor. It was just very casual and he genuinely wanted to know about me. Not to say that the other students don't at all! You just need to get through the formalities of where are you from, what are you studying, etc. I walked away feeling rejuvenated!

I later met up with Lauren and Leah (rabbinical) for dinner. I had my first falafel this trip! Very very tasty. The falafel weren't quite hot enough for my taste though. I'll have to explore some more. We walked, ate, and talked up and down Ben Yehuda Street. The shops are so much fun! I didn't get to go the first time I came to Israel because it was so dangerous. After looking in many jewelery and Judaica shops, my feet hurt a lot. It was still a great time though. I think they'll be good friends.

This is also a little out of order but on Sunday I got a call from Rabbi Greg Litcofsky from Shir Tikva! He's on vacation in Israel so we met up for tea :) It was so nice to see him! We got to chat and he told me a bunch about the area. We walked to Emek Refaim and I saw some great restaurants and a book shop that I really want to explore. He recommended that I should just take a map and walk around in the next few weeks. I think that will be good. I actually like being on my own a lot. It gives me a better chance to use my Hebrew. The English becomes a big crutch, even when I'm just with one other English speaking friend. I try to ask what things are in Hebrew as much as I can though and I think things will become even better once Ulpan starts.

More in a few days! Hopefully by then I will have internet in my house....

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