Sunday, July 13, 2008

A low-key day

Today was a low-key, but ultimately very good day. I slept in and did a bunch of reading in the morning. I have found that I like nothing more that sitting on my bed with the window open and reading a book. I get a fantastic cross breeze in the apartment so I rarely feel the heat. After being lazy for a few hours I went to Ben Yehuda St to buy new guitar strings. I bought a guitar from a rabbinical student who lived here last year. The strings were horrible so I needed new ones. Tomorrow one of my tasks will hopefully getting it back into good shape.

On the way home I passed a construction site (there's construction going on right across from school. It seems that no matter what school I attend there is always construction!). I was carrying my guitar home with me. One of the construction workers stopped me and asked me (in Hebrew) if I was going to play for them? So I answered, no not today. Why? he asked. I don't have time, I said. When? he asked. Next week, I answered and walked away. It seems that it doesn't matter the country, construction workers are always interested in talking to pretty girls (I'm very sorry if I just offended any construction workers reading my blog. It's just an observation!). It was an amusing conversation. Most impressive since I was able to get through it all in Hebrew!

Late afternoon I caught up with Jesse (from Brandeis!) and we went and had coffee together. It was so incredibly nice to see a familiar face from home. We had a great time chatting and catching up.

Today was Nancy's birthday so I went over to her apartment and helped her set up for a Sangria birthday party! The party ended up being tons of fun! At the max there were about 40 people in her apartment. It was loud but lots of fun talking with people. And the sangria was delicious! I think it was a very happy birthday for her.

Tomorrow I need to finally buckle down and take my Hebrew placement test. I've been avoiding it for awhile.

1 comment:

Allie Shapiro said...

that sucks that the construction is following you. is it for your school, or just random construction? Also, sangria....YUM, that sounds really good. I has a mangjo mojito last night that was really good. Now go take that placement test missy!