Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jerusalem smells like kugel

I went for a walk yesterday around Jerusalem and realized as I walked past many of the apartment buildings that I was getting very hungry. Because I hadn't eaten yet? No. Because people were cooking in preparation for Erev Rosh Hashanah and all the smells were wafting out of the building. It was a very delicious smelling walk to say the least.

The holidays in Israel are really quite spectacular. I ran around like a crazy woman the day of trying to clean the apartment, cook, and get ready for services. When they finally arrive it was all the more beautiful. Services were held at HUC in the Blaustein Synagogue. The synagogue faces the Old City and there are all glass windows so everyone can see out during the service. It's spectacular, particularly when the sun setting. I had the honor of starting the service and lit the yom tov candles. I must say that it was one of the must out of body experiences of my life. I felt so relaxed as I struck the match to light the candle. I closed my eyes and began the blessing. Everything about it felt so right. By saying the blessing I felt that I truly began the new year.

I've been thinking a bunch of the past few days about the past, present, and future. More so than most years, my life has changed a very significant amount. I graduated Brandeis and left a wonderful community of friends, I found that I love working with the elderly, I moved to a new country, I began cantorial school, I've watched my friends begin new jobs and new schools, I've made new friends. It's a lot to take in. But through out all of the crazy changes and chaos, I've somehow finally reached a sense of calm with this new year. A fresh page to begin writing on as I live in Jerusalem for the year. I look forward to continuing to develop my life as a cantorial student in Israel as well as to maintaing my connections to friends and family at home.

Shanah tova! May this be a year of sweet blessings for you all!

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