Monday, September 22, 2008

I've been remiss...but I also lack a hard drive

I'm very sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. I actually have a good excuse though. The hard drive of my computer died. Yes, died. Therefore, I do not have a functioning lap top at the moment. I have been depending on the library and the kindness of my roommate to let me borrow the computer.

Despite this snafoo, life here has been incredibly busy, but very good. We just got back from a trip to the North to visit the Golan Heights and the Galilee. It was absolutely gorgeous and I relearned tons about the area. I forgot how much I love the north and all the scenery. One our last night there we had maariv (evening) services by the Kinneret. The way the sun hit the mountains made it look like the ground was covered with skin. The way the light played of the shapes of the mountains were just unbelievable. I loved it.

Now I'm back at school and trying as hard as I can to keep up with my massive amounts of work. First and foremost is preparation for the High Holidays. I will be singing with the choir and have a few solos as well. I'm also going to be singing a duet with another cantorial student. Of all my solos I think I'm most excited to say the candle blessings at the beginning of the service on Erev Rosh Hashanah. I find the candle blessings to always be very meaningful and I'm so honored and excited to be singing. The other big preparation right now is for a service I'm leading on October 6th. During the year, services are held on Saturday mornings and are all student led. The two rabbis that bravely signed up for the first service of the year didn't have a cantor and asked me if I would be interested. Being a person that finds it hard to say no, I said yes. So I've been very busy learning the weekday nusach (melodies) and preparing music. It feels like a lot of pressure, but I'm very excited. I think it's going to be a beautiful service.

So now I'm home, trying to relax, and beat my cold before the holidays officially start up. I'm well on my way and have stayed home during a bunch of classes to sleep. But soon the weekend will be here and I'll be able to just sit and relax.

I hope you're doing well at home! The best way to stay in contact with me till my computer is fixed is via email. Miss you!

1 comment:

assessing the wRecKaGe said...

1. i like the word snafu. and i like you.
2. i like that you email my mother. it's cute, it makes mona happy.
3. almost-cantor skrevskyyy leading services!