Friday, December 5, 2008

Musings on Shabbat

I have always loved Shabbat. I love getting dressed up to look my best, seeing family and friends and services, praying, hearing beautiful music, and relaxing. I have always been under the assumption though that I could never pray in an Orthodox setting. I don't like the mechitza. I don't like being separated from people I love and the feeling that I'm not worthy to pray with men. And because of those feelings, I made the assumption that I could just never pray in that setting.

Since arriving in Israel, I've had the opportunity to visit different synagogues in Israel. I typically venture to a Progressive/Reform synaogogue. It's where I feel most comfortable. But in my time here, I've also had the opportunity to try out Orthodox synagogues. Tonight for insance I decided to go to the Great Synagogue. The synaogue is exactly what it sounds...great. The sanctuary is enormous with a huge dome ceiling. The acoustics are like none other. The men sit on the ground floor and the women are in a balcony section above them. The cantor there is named Naphtali and has a stunningly beautiful voice. He sings every week with a professional, all male choir. The sound is unreal.

I'm learning more and more that for me, my most prayerful experiences are the ones that include beautiful music. Beautiful music with a choir, a guitar, a piano, etc. It's the music that lifts me and makes me feel closer to God. So while I don't like being separated from the men in synagogue or not being able to sing at full voice, hearing the cantor hit a beautiful, clear high note makes me feel at peace and happy and prayerful. As long as I can be in that environment, I can pray. It's a personal experience. I'm glad I have found a way to bring in my Shabbat.

Off to dinner. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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